Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 33

Today, I tried to notice all the neat things other people do for me.  I thought it might motivate me to keep me doing neat things for others.  And it turned out to be an encouraging (and motivating) day.  I won't list every story, but here are a few that helped make this a good day for me - a day that motivates me to keep loving people.

It wasn't even 6 AM before Karen told me she was proud of me.  I like words of affirmation!  Then, my fitness class trainer gave me a man-style compliment.  You know, the kind - delivered in a rough sort of way, but meant to express something positive.  "John, you'd better be at our potluck!"  I assured him I'd be there and then thought, "It's nice to be wanted."  The office crew was their usual encouraging selves today.  We all went out to eat together to celebrate my June birthday.  We always have a lot of good laughs when we go out together, and I can't help thinking that it makes us a better team.  Thanks everybody!  I even received encouragement from a young gal who I've never met.  She's trying to raise support to go to the mission field and sent some info to the church followed by an email asking if we had gotten her stuff.  I don't like to leave people hanging, especially big-hearted people who are trying to get to the mission field.  So I sent her an email and tried to fill it with a lot of encouragement as I broke the news to her that we would not be part of her support team.  She wrote back in less than 5 minutes, full of thanks for my 'kind email.'  And you know what?  Her email ministered to me!  Graciousness is always an attractive action. 

I was watching for love today, and I found affirmation, the showing of personal interest, encouragement, and graciousness, and now I'm motivated to be more affirming, more interested, more encouraging, more gracious.  Hebrews 10:24 says, "Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love..."  I don't know if the people who loved me today spent much time pondering how they'd do it, or if their actions were just spontaneous.  But I sure enjoyed the fruit of their actions.  Thank you, God, for using so many people to remind me of Your love.  I'm ready to be a messenger again!   

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