Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 39

Karen is down to one job!  She now gets to spend part of her time at home again.  It's been kind of a wild ride over the past six weeks, but it's been a good experience for Karen.  She kind of likes running an operation like the concession stand, and all the rest of us have gotten along fine.  We all knew our schedule would be only temporarily insane!  But now, Karen is home for part of every day, so it's going to be a lot harder to find ways to demonstrate love, at least in the realm of 'acts of service,' which has been my bread and butter during the past 39 days.  The problem is that Karen is a very organized and efficient woman!  There's not much she hasn't done already when she's home for a bit.

This means I'm going to have to be more creative and/or intentional in finding ways to demonstrate my love for her.  God never said it would be easy. 
1 Corinthians 14:1 says to "pursue love."  That implies an intentional and sustained effort toward a chosen
goal.  Kinda like the cheetah in the picture.  He's got his sights set on something and he's pursuing it with his mind focused, his eyes fixed, and every fiber of his body engaged in the pursuit.  That's what I need to do in finding ways to love Karen.

It's really just part of becoming like Jesus.  Revelation 1:5 describes Jesus as "Him who loves us," and He certainly gave us a model of pursuing us when He gave up the comforts of heaven in order to come to our world.  He was focused, too!  He didn't turn aside for anything.  "Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end," John 13:1 says.  His love for us, through His death, "released us from our sin by His blood," Revelation 1:5 says.  So, what we're actually in pursuit of is an unhindered relationship with the One who loves us - being like Him - thinking like Him - desiring what He wants - loving as He loves.  ...  That's a lofty goal - to embrace and reflect a living and loving God!  Better get back to the pursuit!

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