Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 1

This is harder than it looks!  I thought I'd start out with something fairly easy, like Romans 12:10, which calls us to "be devoted to one another."  How hard can it be for a husband who really does love his wife to spend a day being devoted to his wife?  All I need to do is be aware of the things pressing on Karen (she's gearing up to help run 'The Falls' this summer and is feeling the pressure of that new job), do some extra tasks around the house to help lighten her load (acts of service is one of her love languages), and then encourage her from time to time with things like a hug with some words of assurance ("It's all going to work out just fine!")    Doesn't sound that hard, right?  So how did I do?

Opportunity #1:  As we finished up lunch, I helped clear the table and put some things in the dishwasher (as I always do) and then left Karen to wash the rest of the stuff alone!  Love Dare grade: 'D.'  Not much devotion in doing no more than I always do!

Opportunity #2:  Karen asked me to help her flip our mattress, and I agreed to help right away, but not without a smart-alec remark that didn't help anything.  Love Dare grade: 'C.'  No harm done, but no real devotion demonstrated.

Opportunity #3: After turning the mattress, Karen offered to finish making the bed herself, and I LET HER!  Love Dare grade: 'F.'  I LET HER DO IT HERSELF!

Opportunity #4:  After working on some of her summer responsibilities, Karen came into the kitchen (where I was wasting time on the internet) and said jokingly, "I don't have time to love you!"  I should have stood up, taken her in my arms and said, "I'll try to make it easy for you, but no matter what you do, I'll love you anyway!"  So what did I actually do?  Another smart-alec remark - something along the lines of "All you have to do is be patient!" Love Dare grade: 'D' for 'dunce.'

So here's what I've learned today...  (1) When left to my own inclinations, I'm not very good at this.  (2) I need God's help!  (3) I'll get another chance tomorrow. 

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