Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 4

I've learned something about myself:  When I'm intentional, I do good things.  When I just let things happen without a plan, I'm hit and miss, at best.  Maybe visible love comes naturally for some, but for me, I need to think through a plan.  "The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty (doesn't have time to think through a plan) comes surely to poverty" - or in this case, to a dearth of love (Proverbs 21:5).

So what was my plan for today?  By mid morning, Karen had already beat me to the Day #4 application from The Love Dare.  She called during her break to say 'Hi' and to see how I was doing.  So I needed a different plan - at least for Karen.   She and I were both planning to go to the AWANA Awards Night, so I decided to watch for opportunities to praise her verbally as she and I talked to various people.  1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Build up one another," and a verbal praise would be just the ticket for building her up today.  Of course, I'd have to be intentional to make sure we got into a conversations together with other people.  It's pretty easy for each of us to go our own way when we get into church gatherings.  

So what happened?  Nothing!  We never had a shared conversation!  In fact, we hardly crossed paths!  Hmmmm.... gonna have to put this one down as a misfire.  I enjoyed the conversations I had, and Karen was involved with a neighbor who is becoming a friend, so I can't really complain.  It just didn't turn out the way I thought it would.  Being intentional doesn't guarantee us anything, but I still think it offers the greatest hope for success. I'll make a new plan for tomorrow.     

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