Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 31

It's day 31 of the Love Dare, and some good things are coming out of this dare.
  • I'm thinking about the Love Dare sooner in the day now (compared to earlier days of the Dare), and I don't think it's only because I have to write a blog before I go to bed!  I'm beginning to believe that many little actions can add up to significant results.  
  • I'm hugging Karen more often now, as a reminder - that everything is going to be okay, that I'm still with her no matter what, that I still love her.  A hug isn't really a big thing, but it can become a big thing if it is given genuinely.  
  • I've become more intentional in raising relational kind of subjects ranging from talks about our shared schedules to conversations about thoughts and feelings.  
  • I've done the dishes and folded laundry more over the past month - not because I like either of those things, but because it would be a help to the one who I love.  
  • And I've spent much more time just trying to think up ways of demonstrating my love for Karen.  What's the old expression?  "It's the thought that counts!"  If that's true, then I've had a good month, and I feel good about it.  

But here's my goal - to "excel still more!"  That's what Paul urges the Thessalonians to do with regard to their love (1 Thess. 4:9-10).  He's already praised them for their love (1:3 & 3:6), but now he urges them to take the good things they were doing and "excel still more."  He wasn't pressing for a form of religious perfectionism that makes us feel guilty if our love isn't perfect.  He was simply urging us to put into action our hunger to be all that God has designed us to be, and not to settle for a level of love that is less than what God designed us to give.  He's urging a satisfaction with what we've done and a hunger to do better.

This is what I feel about the Love Dare, so far.  I'm satisfied with what I've done... but I'm dreaming about doing more.  I think that's the spirit which leads us to "excel still more." 

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