Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 26

I really like this love thing!  With "The Falls" opening on Saturday, Karen is deep into a week of training (those folks really take your safety seriously), and I knew we wouldn't see much of each other today.  So I was scrounging around for a good deed that would say, "I love you" in absentia.  But every time I started doing something, my daughter, Laura, would step in and say, "I'm doing that today."  She had her own Love Dare plans and apparently I was stepping on them!   She did let me help her on one project, and we made a good team!  But right now, I'm just sitting here enjoying a daughter who has a loving heart and a desire to serve, and who is creative enough to figure out how to show love for both her mother and me at the same time!  My Love Dare for the day will be to praise Laura in this blog and brag her up to her mother when Karen gets home later!  I think both of them will enjoy hearing what I have to say.

Laura has helped me realize that a command like "love one another" not only mobilizes me to get out there and start loving people, but it also motivates a lot of other people to get out there and love me too (among others).  And since there's only one of me giving out and there is an unlimited number of people who might be loving on me, the potential for getting back way more than I put in is extremely high.  It's kind of like a divinely orchestrated Ponzi scheme - without the fraud, of course.  Each of us makes an investment (our obedience) and gets paid in return from the investments of other people!  Of course, God is wise enough to make it work out to everybody's benefit, unlike those who work these schemes on earth.

Here's my conclusion as I come to the end of Love Dare Day 26:  I really love the women in my family!  Thanks ladies, for loving me back!     (Disclaimer: The preceding comment is in no way meant to suggest an unequal fondness for the men in my family.  The argument of those who try to claim otherwise will be summarily dismissed!)

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