Monday, May 16, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 16

From the beginning of this Love Dare, I've wanted to include both a 'family' aspect to the Dare and a community or neighborhood aspect.  I've been pretty intentional with family stuff - especially with Karen - but I haven't had the same intentional doggedness in the neighborhood or broader community.  I'd like to change that, but what should I do?

The challenge from The Love Dare, for today, is to pray for your spouse's heart, and to pray for three specific things.  That's not a bad place to start with regard to neighborhood ministry.  How might I intercede on behalf of my neighbors?  So today, I intend to identify three key things I can begin asking God to do in our neighbor- hood.  And for me, my home neighborhood is one and the same with the church's neighborhood.  So, any positive involvement I can have in my neighborhood should have a positive effect on Trinity as well, or on how Trinity is perceived.  (I suppose that same effect works if I do something negative!  But let's stay optimistic here!)

I think it will be better if I don't disclose what I'm praying.  I don't want my neighbors to think I have specific expectations they have to meet before I will love them.  I don't.  I just want to get better at loving my neighbors.  And I certainly don't want to use people as a means to achieve something for myself.  That doesn't seem at all like what Jesus did for us.  He didn't gain from His coming to earth to love us.  We did!  I want my neighbors to think they have genuinely gained something good from having me as a neighbor. Pulling that off, while staying humble, is going to require a God-like grace!  Maybe I'd better start by praying that God will keep my motives pure.

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