Friday, May 13, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 13

So, when does Day 13 naturally follow Day 10?  When a blogger (the technology that lets all bloggers write and post their blogs) develops a glitch and has to be shut down for a day or so.  Apparently, every blogspot blogger in the world lost their Wednesday blog (Day 11 for me) and was unable to write a Thursday blog (Day 12).  I was hoping we'd get Day 11 back.  I liked that little write up about the adoring gaze of a bride.  But it looks like that blog is gone.  I also lost yesterday's blog (which never got posted), and I'm not going to try to rewrite that one either, which is too bad!  It featured another rare photo - a shot of me gardening!  I don't care much for gardening.  It brings back memories of having to work the garden in my childhood years, when we had huge gardens.  I never liked that job.  I did it, but not out of love.  I did it, back then, out of obedience and out of a healthy fear of the consequences of disobeying my parents.  But the gardening I did yesterday was done for a different reason - out of love for my wife.  Karen wanted a tomato plant, so I planted one.  That's right - I planted ONE tomato plant (that's all she wanted - I swear!), and that plant is now firmly established right in the middle of our typically unused garden spot.  (Actually, my son Matt likes to garden and sometimes plants a pretty nice garden, but not this year.)  I would have posted the proof of my loving deed, but technology failed us. 

But here's the good news, the kind of love we're practicing with the Love Dare is not dependent on technology.  [Some technology might even get in the way of loving people.  I'm thinking of long afternoons of televised football games or maybe, for some of you, the temptation of a 'Bonanza Extravaganza' on a Saturday afternoon.  (I think watched one of those once!)  I might also add cell-phone conversations as you're sitting with your best friend at a restaurant!  (Am I missing the logic of that scenario?)]  1 Corinthians 13:8 says, "Love never fails."  That tells me two things: (1) Love is not connected to technology, which often fails, and (2) my love is not yet perfected, because it sometimes fails as well.  Better keep working on it.  But don't expect another blog until Day 14 - if our technology will allow it!    

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