Friday, May 27, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 27

As far as the Love Dare goes, today was a 'let's see what happens' kind of day.  The CF public swimming complex opens tomorrow, so Karen's concession stand has to be ready to go at noon, and I knew she would have a lot of last minute details.  So I tried to stay flexible and alert to any opportunities to be loving, and I think I did good tonight!  It wasn't so much 'what' we did, it was more a matter of me picking up the signals and responding to the opportunity when it came.

I got home about 5:30, a few minutes before Karen.  She'd been working at the pool, getting ready for tomorrow, and as she came through the door, I asked, "Are you ready go?"  Her quick reply was, "Ready to go out to eat?"  Now, we hadn't even discussed that possibility, so a lot of responses went through my mind, like "Well, I hadn't thought of that!"  or, "Again?"  or "If we keep going out like this, you're going to forget how to cook!"   I don't know why I often feel compelled to give some smart-alecky, love squelching reply at exactly the wrong time!  I usually say it and then feel compelled to pray 'the man's prayer.'  You Red Green fans know 'the man's prayer.'  "I'm a man, but I can change... if I have to... I guess!"  But tonight, I got it right!  My mind raced past all those bad answers and chose the right one.  "Absolutely!  Where would you like to go?"  And with a smile on Karen's face (and mine) we headed off to a nice quiet meal out.  Nothing to prepare.  No clean-up.  Plenty of time to talk.

It's funny how much better I see opportunities to love people when I'm actively watching for them!  In Titus 3:1, we see an instruction to tell people to "be ready for every good deed."   Tonight, I was ready. 

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