Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 29

Hmmmmm....... gonna have to dig deep today.  Kind of a slow afternoon for me today, and I'm hard pressed to say what I did to be loving in an intentional, aggressive sort of way.  On the other side, I wasn't mean or grumpy to anybody either!  I don't usually get outwardly grumpy anyway.  When I get grumpy, I just withdraw and avoid all human contact, which is probably better for the other people anyway!  But that wasn't a problem today.  I had a fun morning at church (met several new people), had a pleasant lunch with Laura while Matt and Karen were at the pool, and then had short conversations with both Matt and Karen when they came home after the pool shut down early.  All in all, not really negative, but then, not a lot to write about either. 

I guess maybe the most loving thing I did for Karen today was to intentionally talk over with her what our coming week is going to look like.  In Titus 3:1-2, Titus is told to "remind [the people of the church] to be... showing every consideration for all [people]."   So that's what I was trying to do when I raised the issue of our schedule.  I was trying to show consideration for Karen - helping her set her expectations, taking away unwanted surprises, and helping her be prepared for the events that she, I, or both of us will be attending.  Like I said, not a lot to write about, but it's what I have, and it's way better than having to confess an attack of grumpiness!    

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