Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 14

The adoring gaze is back!  My Day 11 musings made it back into the blogosphere.  Must have been a nightmare at the blog headquarters for a few days, but looks like they've got their problems fixed.   

The picture at the right is a picture of nothing in particular, which is about what my "Love Dare - Day 14" looked like.  It's not that it was a bad day.  It was a good day.  Karen and I exchanged pleasant updates on our day as we went mostly in two different directions all day.  We did spend a bit of time together as we attended a wedding.  It was a neat wedding, and we both enjoyed it.  Other than that, we each spent our day working on things with deadlines connected to them.  What that means is we had to make the most of the few conversations we shared, and I think we did.  We squeezed in a few hugs, exchanged a few words of encouragement, and I even tried to help Karen troubleshoot some computer and copier problems.  Wasn't too successful on the copier problem, but God sent Cheryl Segebarth along at just the right time!  (Thanks Cheryl!)

The great description of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4 begins with the statement that "love is patient."  I suppose that means that true lovers are  patient with one another.  But I wonder if it might also imply that true lovers are patient with schedules and interruptions and disappointments and unavoidable setbacks as well.  We know these things are temporary, so we work through them together, knowing that these things cannot outlive our love for one another.  The overly busy seasons pass, but not so genuine love.  1 Corinthians 13:7 says love "endures all things."  We can endure this season.  Or let me change that statement a bit.  We will endure this season!   That's a stronger statement of love.

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