Monday, May 30, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 30

Here's the pieces to our day:  (1) An open pool (and the concession stand that goes with  it), (2) a holiday (lots of people with free time), and (3) summer-like weather (plenty of enticement to go to the pool).  I guess it was a big day at The Falls!  Karen left for the pool around 10:30 this morning, and I didn't expect to see her again until after 9 pm.  But just as Laura and I were finishing supper, our back door opened and Karen burst in with a look on her face that reminded me of an animal trapped in a cage surrounded by hordes of kids.  (It was a big day at the concession stand!)  She was home for about 1 minute (not sure what she got out of the closet, but she got something) and then was off again.  As she got in the car I yelled out how good it was to see her, and she smiled back and invited me to come down to the concession stand for a hotdog.  (Why didn't I think of that?)

  But here's where the love story comes in for today, and this time I was the recipient.  What I actually had for supper was the fruit of a sacrifice made by Karen.  Though she was planning to work an 11 hour day in a small room full of teenaged workers preparing and serving food to long lines of excited kids and teens trying to make up their minds what they want to buy and whether they have enough money to buy it, she still spent a good part of her morning making supper for those of us who would be relaxing at home all day (Laura and me).  It was a loving sacrifice which Laura and I got to enjoy while Karen was still at work!  It was Galatians 5:13 in action, which says, "through love serve one another."  Both Laura and I did a few things in return, but Karen did more.  It makes me proud of the good choice I made almost 35 years ago, and thankful that she thought I was a good choice as well!

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