Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Love Dare - Day 25

Paul's prayer for believers in Thessalonica was that they would "increase and abound in love for one another and for all people" (1 Thessalonians 3:12).  He had already praised them for their "labor of love" (1:3) and for "the good news of your love" (3:6).  But, apparently, believers just can't exercise too much love.  This group worked hard at love and seemed to be pretty good at it, but they still needed to increase.  They didn't yet "abound in love!"   
So I prayed for Trinity people tonight, that we would "abound in love."  I was at FUEL, our  monthly prayer gathering where, as a church, we ask God to help us live lives that will connect us, in a loving and helpful way, with spiritually disconnected people.  I prayed that God would fill our church with people who intentionally practice the kind of love that can draw people to Jesus.  Jesus makes it clear where this kind of love starts.  "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another..."  We start by loving our fellow believers.  Jesus also tells us the effect this kind of love will have.  "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."   He doesn't say that people will automatically become believers because they see our love.  But He does say they will notice that we're followers of Jesus, and maybe that leads people to wonder about Jesus - who He is and why He matters so much to so many. 

Maybe this is why Paul wanted believers to "increase and abound" in  love for one another.  It focuses attention on Jesus and opens doors which might allow us to show our love for "all people."  So tonight I prayed that God would cause us Trinity folks "to increase and abound in our love for one another, and for all people."  Intercessory prayer is an act of love, is it not?  So my prayer for you, and for all of us together, became my Love Dare for this day. 

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